Copy of In July and August, the summer program

“Effet Escargot” performance in the courtyard of the Château de Châteaubriant
“Effet Escargot” performance in the courtyard of the Château de Châteaubriant © Julien Gazeau

In summer, the château comes alive with a rich cultural and musical program. Come and applaud the acrobats, dance to the rhythm of the brass bands or see what life was like in the Middle Ages with the historical re-enactment troupes.

Free admission for all!

Summer Serenades

Baroque concert - Ensemble Stradivaria

Nantes-based Baroque Ensemble, associate director Guillaume Cuiller

The Stradivaria Ensemble, featuring two oboes, two clarinets, two horns and two bassoons, plays their baroque repertoire for octet in outdoor concerts, as was common practice from the 16th to 18th centuries.
The program includes light and sparkling pieces such as Mozart's serenade K375 written in 1782, a model of the genre, and Franz Krommer's Octet-Partita in F, Op.57, written a little later, featuring all the virtuosity of the wind ensemble. But also arrangements of arias from The Magic Flute, which were the "hits" that Viennese audiences of the 18th century loved so much!

A little history...

In the second half of the 18th century in Vienna, wind ensembles were extremely popular and played outdoor concerts as entertainment. In 1782, the Emperor himself formed the Harmonie Impériale, a wind octet composed of the greatest virtuosos of the time. All the composers of the time wrote pieces for these popular ensembles. Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven, to name just the most famous, composed some true masterpieces. Here, Guillaume Cuiller, associate director of Stradivaria, proposes a very special program for the famous wind octet.

  • Duration: 1 hour

24 July / 5:00 pm

Free concert

Mind the Gap

Circus - Cie Furinkaï

With Satchie Noro, dance, Dimitri Hatton and Samuel Dutertre, circus artists.

It was a time of declines, disappointments and collapses. We were going to have to support each other, hold on to each other, and pull together as everything fell apart around us.

Satchie Noro, Dimitri Hatton, and Silvain Ohl came together to write a haphazard and fanciful choreographic installation. Blending construction and deconstruction, unstable floors and vertical elements, Mind the Gap is an architectural space in a constant state of imbalance. Like a flimsy house of cards, a fragile tower, a transient settlement...

  • Duration: 1 hour

13 and 14 August / 6:00 pm

Free admission

Dans l'Encre des Rêves - an installation by Lucie Lom

Visitors are transported into an immersive installation, a world of dreams. In her reading room, Françoise de Dinan has dozed off while reading a manuscript. On the writing desk, a bottle has tipped over, and black ink is slowly dripping onto the floor. Françoise de Dinan is dreaming...

  • Tuesday to Sunday: 10:30 am - 1:00 pm / 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
  • All ages - Free admission

Details of the exhibit

Live Performances


Circus - Cie Kiaï, directed by Cyrille Musy

With André Hidalgo, Théo Lavanant, Maya Peckstadt, Alessandro Brizzio, Maxime Reydel and Cyrille Musy.

Three trampolines set in a space 9 meters in diameter propel the acrobats in an aerial ballet where the pulsing music sets the tone. Six heads, twelve arms and twelve legs are synchronized in an acrobatic trance that appeals to the senses even more than to the mind. The six artists blend their vocabularies to create a common language. Thanks to the pulse, they become a group, a tribe. The heat increases, the heart rate accelerates and the bodies expand in all dimensions. The acrobatics push back the limits of physics. There is no more gravity, no more right side up or upside down, the earth and the air merge into one.

Pulse is a radically choreographic form. A generous circus piece where physical engagement is the key theme. The scenography is minimalist.
In Pulse, music is the central thread of the piece. A single pulse with the only variation being the gradual acceleration of the tempo during the 40-minute show. Starting at a rate of 1 beat per minute, it ends at over 150 beats per minute. The acceleration is extremely slow and hardly noticeable. It echoes our own pulse, but also the constant acceleration of society today, the frantic pace of a world that moves too fast...

  • Duration: 40 min.

9 and 10 July / 6:00 pm

Free admission

Historical Re-enactments

Spend a weekend in the heart of the Renaissance with the historical re-enactment troupes, on the themes of weaponry, costumes, dance and coin stamping! Self-guided or guided tour, and a dance on Sunday afternoon

  • Reservations required
  • All ages, free admission to the château

31 July to 1 August from 11:00 am to 6:00 pm

More information on this living history event

Book your reservation on our ticketing page

Live Performances

Même Pas Peur

Circus - Géographie Affective Agency

Age 6 and up

Who has never been afraid? Who has never overcome their own fear? I dare you!

It takes courage to overcome fear. It is an emotion that can either give us wings or hold us back. How do you learn to grow up and live with fear? Two artists meet up. One is an aerial rope artist, the other a storyteller.

Dimitri isn’t afraid of heights. He likes to climb very, very high. Olivier likes to stay firmly on the ground. He likes to watch and wait. Dimitri isn’t afraid of anything. Olivier controls his fear. What if things were reversed? There is a challenge in the air and stories that will give us thrills.

  • Reservations required
  • Duration: 45 min.

4 July / 3:30 pm and 5:30 pm

Book your reservation on our ticketing page

The upcoming events

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