The Heart of Anne of Brittany

From 14 June to 28 September 2014


The Département de Loire-Atlantique took part in the cultural events and celebrations in honour of the fifth centenary of the death of Anne of Brittany. From 14 June to 28 September 2014, at the Château de Châteaubriant, the Musée Dobrée presented a major exhibition around the reliquary containing the heart of Anne of Brittany.

This exhibition brought together the Département’s rich collections, as well as works on loan from a number of prestigious national and international institutions, and featured manuscripts, paintings, coins, objets d’art and sculptures.

The exhibition shed light on the mystery surrounding the reliquary.

What was Anne of Brittany’s funeral like? How and why was this ‘golden heart’ made? Where was it deposited in 1514? What impact did this object have on history? Where was the heart placed during the French Revolution?

The public could also learn about the latest scientific research on the heart and discover the meaning of various scientific analyses. And of course, the answer to the question: what does the reliquary contain today?

The symbolic significance, creation and history of the reliquary or casket containing the heart of Anne of Brittany are the major themes of this new exhibition, the fruit of an ambitious research programme undertaken by the teams of the Musée Dobrée.

Visits, workshops and conferences, tours suited to children (multimedia applications for 5-7 year olds) and school groups, were also organized around this exhibition.

In parallel to this exhibition The Heart of Anne of Brittany, the reliquary containing Anne’s heart was lent by the Musée Dobrée/Département de Loire-Atlantique to the Château royal de Blois, from 14 March to 6 April 2014; to the Château des Ducs de Bretagne, Nantes, from 8 to 27 April 2014; and to the Musée de Bretagne, Rennes, from 30 September to 30 October 2014.

Around the exhibition The Heart of Anne of Brittany

The heart of Anne of Brittany as you’ve never seen it before!

This was the promise of the exhibition that opened its doors to the public at the Château de Châteaubriant on 14 June 2014.

In order to attract a wide public, a promotional trailer and report were made about this remarkable exhibition.

Exclusively, and for the first time the reliquary containing the heart of Anne of Brittany can be admired in 3D!

During the exhibition, the audience was able to admire every angle of the reliquary via this virtual 3D application. A technique that allowed visitors to appropriate this exceptional piece and discover its every detail.