In summer, the Living History events

© Lothringen Landsknecht

Troupes of re-enactors take over the château with costumes, armour, vendors and camps. Based on meticulous research, the re-enactments are a true-to-life depiction of what life was like at the time!

A program for the whole family. Admission is free. Reservations required.

31 July and 1 August 2021

2 days of historical re-enactments on the themes of the Renaissance, weaponry, costumes, dance and coin stamping.

The Lothringen Landsknecht re-enact scenes featuring a troop of foot soldiers from the period 1500-1530. The presentation will include weaponry, arquebus and crossbow, military manoeuvres as well as costumes and noble dances.

The Nord Finistère association re-enacts the return from a maritime expedition to Scotland, aboard a currach whose rigging has been rebuilt using an experimental archaeological method. They will present the navigation tools, the artillery used on board during the discovery of America and engage in sword fights.

The Confrérie des Lombards, specialised in coin stamping, will also offer demonstrations aligned with the Loire-Atlantique, Land of Treasures exhibit.

On Sunday afternoon the Belle Assemblée, an association from Nantes which offers classes in period dances, will put on a Renaissance ball with amateur dancers, in which the public can participate.

  • Reservations required

Free admission to the château from 11:00 am to 6:00 pm

Book your reservation on our ticketing page

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